Finding the right university to study abroad is not an easy task. There are so many factors to consider but mainly the quality of education and your ability to actually afford the whole deal. Personally, I think, UAE is a hidden gem. Following are top six reasons to go to UAE.
- Diversity
UAE has truly become one giant cultural melting pot. You may think how you would fit in, but honestly, UAE has the most diverse culture. Just go to a mall and you will see my point. People of all ethnicities live in complete harmony.
Probably the reason why UAE has grown so rapidly over the years, is because they are accepting of all cultures. While the Arab culture is strong, you can see people from around the world celebrating and living life as they wish.
- Safe Haven
According to recent study by World Economic Forum, UAE has been deemed as the third most safest country in the world.
With the current world politics,hate crime on the rise, and generally a state of insecurity, UAE is a breath of fresh air.
- Explore a New Country
Live and experience the luxurious lifestyle of the Arabs. You will never run out of activities in UAE. Middle East has become of the most sought after tourist destination. Everyday there is something new you can explore.
- Affordable
Yes, yes, I know, it doesn’t sound true, but it is. For students, living in UAE, is far cheaper than living in UK or US. Food, transport, accommodation, abundantly available and affordable.
No matter where you are coming from, you can find your preferred food as easily as buying bread. Most students own cars, as even buying a car is not difficult.
- Wide Selection Of Degree Programs.
One of the best reasons for pursuing higher education in UAE, is the fact that these seven states collectively have a huge, let me emphasize that, HUGE, selection of degree programs. Most of the world’s best universities have campuses in UAE.
Now these campuses follow international standards for imparting education. They have the best faculty and campuses.
- The Land of Opportunity
UAE not only offers quality education, but it also offers job opportunities. Not only there are many options for part-time work for students, but also multitudinous option after they graduate. So it is a win-win situation.
You can support yourself financially, as a student, and afterwards, you can easily find jobs too.