All You Need to Know About Mitsubishi Tuning


Mitsubishi cars are one of a kind. Many people like to tune up their Mitsubishi cars by making several modifications to its appearance and engine performance. This is highly preferred by people who love the car that has been customised to work or look the way they desire. There are several options to do this.

Mitsubishi Tuning

You need an experienced mechanic who knows his way around the automobile, who knows the methods of Mitsubishi tuning, and the one who provides original and genuine spare parts. Mitsubishi tuning is not something you should get while you are casually out on a drive.

You need to ensure that you have done enough research about how the car will perform or look after the tuning as you may be putting in a lot of money into the Mitsubishi tuning. Here are a few steps you need to follow and consider before getting a Mitsubishi tuning:

  • Study the mechanical configuration of the Mitsubishi car: The first step is obviously to study the details of the car machine. You do not want a tuning that is not even compatible to the engine configuration. You need to define the calibrations of the engine parts and thereby determine the calibrations of the needed modifying components. There are major differences in fuel pumping efficiency, the horsepower and the engine cc. All these factors impact the Mitsubishi tuning.
  • The fuel: You would obviously know whether your car runs on diesel or on petrol. With this, you need to know the fuel efficiency and details of the cylinder pressure. When you are performing a Mitsubishi tuning, you need to know for sure how high a cylinder pressure can be handled by the engine. Compare and contrast the combustion timing, boost speed, ignition tables and all such calibrations. You also need details like ignition timing, air to fuel mixture, capability to handle higher boost levels. You can ask the mechanic to measure all these parameters. One also needs to check the engine damage done when low octane fuel is replaced by high octane fuel.
  • Find the right mechanic: Mitsubishi tuning is not a DIY job. You cannot just modify a car engine without professional help. If you try to, you may end up with an out of order car. Instead, you need to ensure that you get a qualified mechanic to do the job. An experienced mechanic would know all the basics of Mitsubishi tuning and even has a clear idea about engine specifics. This way, he can give you good ideas and suggestions related to tuning. Also, while looking for quality mechanics, also look for quality spare parts provider. If you find a good reliable mechanic who also provides genuine spare parts, you should know that you hit a jackpot and ask the mechanic to help you out with your tuning idea.
  • Do not go overboard: While making modifications, make sure that you do not boost up the engine way out of its capacity. Even the basic stock turbo chargers are capable of giving boost levels of 30 psi which is enough to cause engine damage. So, make sure the mechanic you pick has a complete knowledge of adjusting the boost control parameters. Repairing a damage to the engine while Mitsubishi tuning can actually cost you a lot.
Mitsubishi Services

When you get Mitsubishi tuning, make sure that you also inform the insurance company about the modifications in detail as tuned cars have a higher claim than usual ones in case of accidents. Also, when you choose to go for Mitsubishi tuning, you need to clearly know how your car will change after the modification and whether it will be comfortable for you to drive it.

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