Use Roller Shutters For Home Improvement And Gain Benefits

If you are thinking of giving your home a makeover, then it is time you consider roller shutters for window treatments this time.

Windows and doors

Consider glass for windows and doors. Glass does give an open look and allows a wonderful view. You can opt for sliding glass windows that you can keep closed as well as doors with glass from top to bottom to have plenty of light and warmth. If you have a garden outside, then there is nothing like glass for a lovely look. The only drawback is security. This is where roller shutters come in useful for home improvement.

Roller shutters

Roller shutters are made up of slats that roll up and down, affixed to the top of the window or door. When rolled up, it neatly rolls up into a box on the top. These days one need not opt for the industrial look with steel slats. The horizontal slats used in roller shutters for home use are made of double walled aluminum with a foam core. When fully extended the shutter covers the entire window or door. Retracted, it virtually disappears and offers no obstruction to the view, giving them an edge over blinds.

Types of roller shutters

  • The simplest type of shutter is manually operated. Push it and it rolls up inside the box. The box is usually mounted outside along with guide rails for the slats.
  • You could save yourself the effort by opting for electrically operated roller shutters. The control box is usually mounted inside for window shutters and both inside and outside for door shutters. A simple push of the button activates the mechanism. A refinement is a battery powered shutter.
  • Go a step further and select remote operated roller shutters. These are far more convenient in that you can open or close them with a remote control unit. Sophisticated units have memory modes that remember the setting and raise the shutter to a preset position. It is also advisable to choose roller shutters with an obstacle detection unit to prevent damage as well as frost protection. Advanced units may have a programmable clock that automatically opens and shuts the shutters at intervals to make it look like you are at home while you may be on vacation.


Roller Shutters For Home

Why install roller shutters?

  • Glass doors and windows give an unimpeded view and lets in plenty of light and air. Security should always be a prime consideration for home improvement and this is where roller shutters admirably serve the purpose. Shutters are strong and are proven burglar deterrents.
  • If you live in a noisy area then there are times when you may want some peace and quiet. Insulated shutters provide a degree of acoustic insulation.
  • Glass is vulnerable and if there is a storm or a gale your windows and doors need protection. Shutters act as buffers and prevent rain water, dust and wind from affecting windows as well as interiors.
  • You can control how much light you want to let inside by drawing down the shutters to the desired level. Sunlight and its ultraviolet light can quickly fade colours of sofas and carpets. Draw down the shutter and you prevent sunlight from damaging furnishing materials.
  • Shutters can reduce air conditioning and heating costs thereby repaying the investment you make in them.
  • You will find that shutters add a unique aesthetic to your house as well as increase the property value of your house as price tend to increase with better aesthetics and better security.

Shutters should be on your list when you are planning to improve your home. They are functional and decorative, giving true value for money when sourced from the right supplier.

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